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B80D Boomerang

Predatek B80D Boomerang fishing lure in Purple Thing colours
Predatek B80D Boomerang fishing lure product colours
This is the lure that started our business in 1986.

Championship lure
Our designer used a few handmade 80mm wooden Boomerangs to win the 1987 Australian Inland Fishing Championships. The publicity from that success fueled demand for the Boomerang and enabled Predatek (then Downunder Lures) to establish a reputation for innovative, high performance fishing lure designs.

Classic design
The 80mm Boomerang is now universally recognised as a classic Australian fishing lure.


Outdoor writer Vic McCristal (1928-2015) was a friend of the 'downunder' crew before they started making fishing lures. He was the statesman of fishing writers in Australia.  "I've used Downunder (Predatek) Lures since the first wooden Boomerangs. They work wonderfully well in fresh or saltwater; they're built by people who know what they're doing and I couldn't name a more versatile lure, either local or imported." Vic McCristal

"I've used Downunder (Predatek) Lures since the first wooden Boomerangs. They work wonderfully well in fresh or saltwater; they're built by people who know what they're doing and I couldn't name a more versatile lure, either local or imported."

Vic McCristal (Fishing Author) 1928-2015

Predatek 1987 wooden Boomerang diver fishing lure in Aussie Gold colours
Predatek B80D Boomerang diver fishing lure in Aussie Gold colours

Walk it over structure

Work it slowly among snags for cod and golden perch. Feel the big bib bump into snags and pause......the Boomerang will reverse clear of the obstruction and you can then continue to retrieve. The pause is often the trigger for Australian native fish to strike.


Troll over the tops of shallow reefs for coral trout and snapper.

Map of Australia

Murray cod, golden perch, barramundi, mangrove jack, coral trout, trevally

Map of the world

Papuan black bass, spot-tail bass, northern pike

Predatek B80D Boomerang diver fishing lure in Camo-Cazi colours with black enduroShok bib
One of th first batch of hand-made wooden Boomerang fishin lures manufactured by Downunder Lures (Predatek) in 1986
Andrew Smith with a Papuan black bass caught on a Predatek B80D Boomerang fishing lure
a 1987 vintage hand-made wooden 80mm Downunder Boomerang diving fishing lure

© 1986-2024 Downunder Lures Pty. Ltd. trading as Predatek  ACN 64 050 040 189  T:+61 65814144  CONTACT

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