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Predatek photo guide


We've just published a new page with some easy-to-follow tips—and we mean really-easy-to-follow tips—about how to make better photographs of your fishing adventures and successes.

Don't worry, it's not about lenses and f-stops and techy stuff. Your phone or digital camera will take care of that stuff pretty well, although a skilled human will always produce a better result than the set-and-forget automation built into modern devices.

An unusual point-of-view makes a better photograph
Dusky flathead and Predatek S150 Sandviper

Our tips are about behaviours and techniques that will give you more and better chances to capture memorable and admired photographs. Our tips—there are just eight of them— have been put together for us by a retired professional photographer who is also an accredited photography judge. We guarantee that if you put these tips into practice you will make better photographs...without spending money on more equipment than you already have. That's a promise.

Good photography is not about more gadgets, it's about photographers, their ideas, their creativity, and what they want their photographs to say.

The Predatek Photo Guide is accessed from the eFISHency menu on our website. Click the screen shot below to check it out.

Excerpt from Predatek's Photo Guide
Make better memories with better photographs

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